My name is Jeanie, and I work for London Escorts Agency at Charlotte Loughton Escorts, I and rather keen on the number of men that reserved me for a date. Currently, I hold one of the most varieties of days at the company. Several of my associates are jealous of me just because the majority of the individuals just wanted to have a day with me.
Not to appear conceited yet, I looked like Megan Fox, yes April O’Neal from Ninja Turtle and that attractive Jennifer Examine from Jennifer’s Body! Even the one in charge at the firm mistaken me for her when I first used as an escort girl at the agency. They told me that I have the makings of a version and an actress. Honestly, in my younger days and even to now, some precursors recruit me to be part of Hollywood, but I declined because I don’t like the starlight.
Often I asked myself “do guys only like my due to my face? Since I resembled Megan Fox”. I recognize you could think of me as conceited therefore. But this keeps bugging me because I reached adolescence and having this face. I don’t really feel valued for my initiatives I imply, I haven’t had a severe relationship given that I was more youthful. Not since no one would certainly date me (in fact many guys would love to) yet not devote a major partnership because they are intimidated by my face or elegance if you wish to call that. Girls at school and now in the firm located me to be unthankful for the God’s offered present I got.
What they do not recognize is I likewise experience because, men can’t see my true capacity, not as a quite lady that appeared like Megan Fox, however a lady with skills. I imply for instance I like to dance, and I am good at it, I enjoy to paint, and I am additionally proficient at it. However these men do not see me as an artist. Men see me as a prize to be paraded in their circle of friends that they rack up or dated a warm “Megan Fox” look a like.
Even having the chance to countless of males from College and the agencies bookings, I still can’t understand what they are feeling in the direction of me. I have not been enhanced for the important things I did or for being a good dancer or an excellent musician. Every one of these males I dated enhanced me for my face and exactly how they are star struck due to the fact that I appeared like Megan Fox, I understand it is all great, and all, however I really did not really felt the love of a man, what I felt is their LUST in the direction of me.
It is hard for me, specifically strolling in the streets, I felt like I can not work a regular person. The majority of the people stare at me vigorously; I indicated those melting stares. Now, I am accustomed to this and states this ahead of time “thank you, yet I am not Megan Fox, I just look like her” and then grinned.